Ronald van Dijk


Through my many years of experience as a supervisor, I quickly know what the design of organisations and processes within financial institutions must comply with.

Thanks to my years of experience as a supervisor and risk consultant, I quickly know what a financial institution needs to comply with and where the risks of non-compliance lie. In complex situations, I bring overview and structure and prioritise actions. As a result, I am often the sounding board for directors and then directly involved in implementing necessary changes. I find it important to raise awareness of laws and regulations within an organisation, but also to come up with practical solutions to comply with standards. I am very results-oriented, see what can be improved, and communicate at all levels. Issues involving multiple internal and external stakeholders suit me well.

Projects & achievements

  • External compliance officer and/or management a.i. at various financial institutions
  • Restoring (sound and controlled) business operations after regulatory intervention
  • Restoring the relationship between institution and supervisor
  • Redesign compliance department
  • Optimising the mortgage department
  • Conducting investigations for silent trustee and Enterprise Chamber
  • Implementing new international supervisory legislation
  • International investigation into manipulation of interest rates
  • Investigation into conflict of interest of directors
  • Simplify and automate the compliance cycle