Net Zero Transition Planning & Emission Assessment

Globally, the challenges of climate change and achieving net zero are reshaping the landscape for businesses, and are forcing businesses to fundamentally rethink their strategy, business model and operations. The pressure to adapt is mounting, with regulations, stakeholders, and consumers increasingly demanding transparency and action.

The importance of Net Zero Transition Planning

Transition planning isn’t just about compliance—it’s about future-proofing your business and unlocking new opportunities for growth and resilience. Now is the time to to publicly disclose your commitment to net zero and the roadmap for eliminating emissions from your business activities.

  • Meeting stakeholder expectations: Clients, investors, and employees expect companies to not only know their emissions footprint but to have a confident and coherent plan for reduction and elimination.
  • Strengthening business performance: Transition planning isn’t just about reducing emissions; it’s about identifying operational efficiencies and managing risks more effectively.
  • Driving innovation: Embracing the transition to net zero can fuel innovation and drive long-term strategic planning.

How we can help

At Projective Group, we specialise in guiding businesses through the complexities of transition planning:

Measure: We start by calculating your carbon footprint and creating a comprehensive emissions model. By understanding your organisational and operational boundaries, we lay the groundwork for informed decision-making.

  • Determine organisational and operational boundaries and scope (including value chain)
  • Assess 3rd party vendors to support understanding, analysis, and reporting
  • Formalise the data collection and management process
  • Deliver formal documentation, such as the GHG inventory
  • Select emissions factors, estimate missing data, calculate and report

Plan: With a clear understanding of your emissions profile, we develop a tailored transition plan. From setting Science Based Targets to embedding sustainability into your strategy and reporting processes, we ensure your journey to net zero is both achievable and impactful.

  • Work with leadership, investors and key stakeholders to set and formalise a net zero commitment
  • Set and certify Science Based Targets
  • Develop a reduction pathway, quantified in both carbon and financial terms
  • Embed into strategy, incentives, policy, processes and reporting
  • Regular (annual or more) tracking against targets

Report: Transparency is key. We help you communicate your progress to regulators, clients, and investors with clear, auditable disclosures that meet the requirements of relevant frameworks and regulations.

  • Deliver single source of truth for enterprise emissions, incorporating clear methodologies best practice, auditability and verification steps
  • Ensure disclosures meet requirements of relevant frameworks and regulations (e.g., SBTi, CDP, TPT, CSRD, SDS, etc.) with third party verification
  • Communicate targets, commitments, and results

Our Relevant Experience

Projective Group has the right net zero experience to guide corporates and investors towards a sustainable future:

Corporate disclosures: From baseline assessments to net zero commitments, our consultants have helped organisations across various sectors navigate the complexities of reporting and compliance.

Sustainable investment: Our expertise extends to sustainable investment and portfolio management, enabling responsible decision-making and integration of climate risk into investment strategies.