Talent People

Podcast: Graduating this year? Here are 8 tips to give you a head start.

Date:October 7, 2024

In the latest episode of our podcast Group Chat, we invited Lucas Reitsema to talk about how people can excel in the early stages of their career. Lucas leads Projective Group Talent Belgium and has learned a lot on the topic during his fifteen years of professional experience. Below, we’ve summarised 8 tips that came up during the interview.

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First things first, who is Lucas?

  • 41 years old
  • Originally from the Netherlands, but living in Belgium for 9 years
  • Used to work for Rabobank for 12 years
  • Started at the Rabobank counter and ended up COO of Rabobank Belgium
  • With Projective Group for 7 years, working mainly with graduates

Lucas’ tips for emerging talents

#1 Focus on company culture, not job titles

When searching for your first job, it’s typical to focus on job titles. However, Lucas advises to seek out a company that is a good cultural fit. When searching for a new position, it’s important to consider the company’s culture and values. Do you believe in the company’s vision and values? Do you want to be part of that company’s future? “When you find a company that aligns with your values, you will undoubtedly find your role within that company,” states Lucas.

#2 Be honest about your expectations

At Projective Group, we have an expectations meeting whenever someone starts a new assignment at one of our talent partners. This ensures a clear understanding of expectations on both sides, which is essential for a successful partnership. Lucas notes, “When you graduate from university, you’ll have big expectations. But the company you’re going to work for also has expectations. Having an honest conversation in which both parties make their expectations clear is very important.” 

When you find a company that aligns with your values, you will undoubtedly find your role within that company

#3 Don’t wait until you’re graduated to start your job search

If you are graduating in June, it’s advisable to start looking for employment in April. To avoid ending up in the wrong place, you should conduct thorough research to equip yourself with knowledge. “As a first step, you can use online resources to identify local companies and gain insight into their strategic approach and core values. Secondly, I advise you to attend events where you can engage with these companies. There are numerous opportunities – Projective Group alone is present at approximately fifty events annually, including visits to universities and networking events. The third step is to try to connect with people who work for these companies to gain insight into the reality of their work,” says Lucas.

#4 Focus on interpersonal skills

There are many online blogs that discuss the crucial skills required of professionals. However, which skills should people prioritise during the early stages of their careers? Lucas notes that times have changed and it has become easier to learn independently through video tutorials and reading materials. However, some skills can only be acquired through direct interaction with others. “Stakeholder management, giving feedback, presentation skills… A lot of technical advances are happening and there’s a lot of innovation, but we should still be able to communicate effectively with each other.”

#5 Get out of your comfort zone (even if networking scares you)

It is often said that networking is crucial for success. However, many introverts find this prospect daunting. So, how important is networking really? First of all, it should be noted that it is perfectly fine to be an introvert. We need all kinds of people in this world. The importance of networking depends on your role. “If you have a commercial role, then it’s key – it’s part of your job description to have a network. However, that’s not the case for everyone,” says Lucas. “That being said, I do think it is important for everyone to get out of their comfort zone. Even if you find a perfect company where you have an amazing team, meeting people from outside that cocoon will help drive your career forwards. How you meet them is up to you.”

I do think it is important for everyone to get out of their comfort zone. Even if you find a perfect company where you have an amazing team, meeting people from outside that cocoon will help drive your career forwards.

#6 Choose a place that offers coaching and/or mentoring

The transition from university to the first job is a significant step. While you have gained valuable knowledge, you now need to apply it in practice. It is important to remember that the early stages of your career can be challenging. Having a mentor or coach can be invaluable in this regard. “At Projective Group Talent, we have found that having a support network makes a significant difference. This is why we are so passionate about our work,” says Lucas.

“Many organisations make the mistake of offering coaching on an ad-hoc basis. However, coaching is a complex skill, and it is our core business,” Lucas continues. “When someone joins our programme, they embark on a two-year journey where they enrol in a personalised training programme. They are also assigned a certified coach, a highly experienced professional. A coach can help with the overwhelming nature of starting your first job and with managing expectations. They can help you to break out of that comfort zone and find new ways to handle tricky situations.”

#7 Go where you can be yourself

When searching for a suitable company, it is crucial to find one where you can be yourself. As Lucas notes, “You need to stay true to yourself, because then you are at your most powerful. That’s why it’s so important to find a company that matches with your own values. If that’s not the case, it will be challenging to work there and you may feel compelled to assimilate. We strongly believe in being yourself.”

Be aware that part of your job is also hanging on and fighting a bit, especially in the first years of your career.

#8 No job is only fun

The first lesson in expectations management is that no job is fun 100 percent of the time. We all have aspects of our jobs that we don’t particularly enjoy, but we have to do them nonetheless. It’s good to keep this in mind before you start, so you can be prepared to push through certain challenging periods. “Be aware that part of your job is also hanging on and fighting a bit, especially in the first years of your career. So, make sure you’re fighting within an organisation where you can be yourself, as this will make it worthwhile in the end.”


The transition from school to work life can be challenging, and we are here to provide support. At Projective Group Talent, we offer a certified coach, a personalised training programme, and a challenging job at a company that matches your values. But even if you don’t decide to partner up with us, you can still use these tips to make sure you’ll find a place where you can truly be yourself. The rest will surely follow.

Listen to the entire episode on Spotify right here!

About Projective Group

Established in 2006, Projective Group is a leading Financial Services change specialist.

We are recognised within the industry as a complete solutions provider, partnering with clients in Financial Services to provide resolutions that are both holistic and pragmatic.  We have evolved to become a trusted partner for companies that want to thrive and prosper in an ever-changing Financial Services landscape.