

Business Adoption Practitioner Training

Business Adoption Practitioner Training




12 hours over a day and a half




English & Dutch

The Business Adoption course is the practitioner level training for change management. It is based on our Projective Group 3-step Change Model; Foundation, Implementation and Embedding.

The training builds on the awareness training, deepening understanding of basic concepts and exploring additional ones.

For each phase in the change management process, we discuss best practices and present tools such as the change maturity assessment, stakeholder analysis, change management plan of approach and more. Using a case we move through the lifecycle of a change management (related) project, exploring the challenges, opportunities and points of attention per phase.

Course objectives

  • Deepening Knowledge of the change management side of a project  
  • Being equipped with tools to take charge of your change management project
  • Practice skills and tools usage by applying them to a case (pitching, presenting, having difficult conversations, etc.)
  • Applying the learned concepts to your current project and asking for feedback from co-trainees/trainers

Course outline

We move through the change management process:

  • Foundation
  • Define Approach (conduct a change maturity assessment)
  • Implementation
  • Steps to implementation
  • Measuring your change effectiveness
  • Embedding
  • Handover to BaU
  • Accountability
  • Celebrate success
  • Wrap-Up
  • Cultural Alignment
  • Neurodiversity
  • Quiz



4.5 (out of 5)
“Overall great and relevant training. Perfect timing and good exercises”
4.8 (out of 5)
“Compliments for the organisation of the entire course, your enthusiasm, the lunch, all the goodies available throughout the day, and the right mix with guest lecturers.”
4.6 (out of 5)
“I’ve learned a lot; I already notice a difference in my work with my new knowledge.“


Everything you need to know

  • When: On request
  • Where: Our offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, London and/or Frankfurt or on request
  • Duration: 12 hours over a day and a half
  • Price: €600
  • For whom: Professionals new to Change Management
  • Prerequisites: Change Awareness Training
  • Certification: No
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